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Saturday, October 13, 2018

Display data in RecyclerView from MySQL Database in Android Studio using The Library Volley - Mr Brohid

Display data in RecyclerView from MySQL Database in Android Studio using The Library Volley - Mr Brohid

Hello Guys, Welcome again on Mr Brohid 's blog for this time, I want to share the knowledge of Display Data in RecyclerView from the MySQL Database on Android Studio using The Library Volley, in this article you can learn about how to display data from the database to your android application with RecyclerView.

Below are some data from the database that we will display on the recyclerview.

Before we start coding on android studio we first create the php process to display data on the android studio. Copy the code below after that, create a folder on your xampp or server you and save it with the name getdata.php

OK, after we make the php process, we continue to make the process on the Android android, let's go ...

1. Add Library RecyclerView and Library Volley

For this first process, we will add a volley library to your module app, This module app works for the process of running Android and put what library we will use to create an Android application.

Ok, we add the library Volley and library Recyclerview in dependencies, Like the example below

Example :

2. Make Layout View

This second process we will create a layout view on the application to display data in the recyclerview.

A. Layout for RecyclerView

For the design of the display you can design according to your wishes and here I will give a simple design example so you can easily understand it.

Example layout design recyclerview :


B. Layout for List Item RecyclerView

After you create a layout for recyclerview, please create a new layout and give the name custom_list.xml. How to add the custome_list.xml file in a way. right-click on the directory layout-> New-> Layout Resouce File and give the file name with custom_list after that OK.

After successfully, please design your layout according to your wishes, or you can copy what I made, for example below:

Example list item recyclerview:

3. The Process of Displaying Data in RecyclerView

This third process we will make the process to display data from the MySQL database to the recyclerview. This process has several stages that we must make, which include:

                               I.            Make Class Model

In this first stage we will create a new Model class, namely the ModelData name. This ModelData functions to create data variables, so that it is easier for us to send data to adapters or other processes,


                               II.            Make Class Adapter Process

After creating a Data Model, we will create a new class with the name AdapterProcess.

This AdapterProcess works for the process of displaying data from the database to the recyclerview.

                        Example :

                               III.            Make Class Controller Volley

In this third stage we will create a controller class, this controller to set the volley.
                        Source Code :

                               IV.            Get Data use Volley in RecyclerView

In this fourth stage, we will make the process of displaying data with a library volley. We put this process in please see the process code below.

                        Source code :

4. Setting Android Manifest

This fourth process we will arrange or add some code on the Android Manifest. 

Add uses-permission android: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" in the manifest

And add android:name for application and change controller a your make.

After all finish, please run on your android device, good luck.

So, from this article, I hope it will be useful and can help you, don't forget to read other articles, thank you: D

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